Translations Check-List: Regular Translations

This Article will provide a checklist of what is expected from you when delivering a professional translation, or a translation that doesn't require a certification from you.

Regular Translations

  • Service: Professional Translation or Certified Translation
  • Certification Type: No Certification Required
  Requirement Importance
1 The document should be delivered in DOCX format, or in XLSX or PPTX (if the source document was sent in this format). Mandatory
2 The document should not contain headers, footers, or complex formatting. Not Mandatory
3 Layout & formatting should resemble the original document as much as possible. Mandatory
4 Quality of Translation:
- The translation should not contain typos (Names, Dates & Numbers).
- The deliverables should be a COMPLETE translation of the original document (all text in the original should be translated and present in the document delivered) 
- All documents sent to you should be translated and delivered using on our platform (i.e. no missing documents)