How to update your rates on our website

We have launched our new Auto-Invite Service on our platform. This aims to make it easier for you to accept translations we invite you to. 

How does it work?

If you have already set up your rates. 

  1. our system will calculate the payable based on the number of words we need to be translated in the document and send you an invite with the total fee to be paid (based on your rates) so you can accept the task and start working on it without the need of quoting and waiting for a Project Manager to accept your quote. 
  2. If you don't agree to the automatically set fee, you can always access our website from the Invite request email and submit a quote, that you think is fair, based on the number of words and complexity of the document. 

If you have not set up your rates in our system yet: 

  1. If you have never set up your rates in our system but we have approved you to work with us in a language pairing, it will send our standard rates to you whenever you are invited. These are our base rates and the price we would like to pay for the task at hand based on the number or words of the requested document. 
  2. If you don't agree with our base rates and want to receive more accurate requests based on the rates you handle regularly, you can always use the invite email to update your profile and include your rates in your services. 
  3. If you are unable to modify your rates on your profile, please email us at, and we will gladly help you set your rates so your invites are more accurate.  

To Modify your rates on our website: 

  1. Click on the "Click here" link at the bottom of your email, on "your profile" section. 
  2. Navigate to your profile on our website and scroll down until the services section. 
  3. Under the necessary service, click on the "+ enter rate" option. 
  4. Add your rate and click update so its saved into your profile.