How to Use the eSignature Feature

Step-by-Step Guide: Using the E-Signature Feature as a Vendor (With Video Demonstration)

Step 1: Log In to Your Translayte Account/Mail Confirmation

  1. Open Your Browser: Go to the Translayte website.
  2. Login: Enter your username and password (Or Miscrosoft Account) linked to your vendor account.
  3. Alternatively, you will receive a Translayte mail prompting you to “View Task”

Step 2: Accepting Task

  1. Navigate to Tasks: On your dashboard, click on the ‘Invites’ section.
  2. Accept the Task: If not already accepted, click to accept the task. This will give a Pop-up confirming that the task has been successfully assigned to you. 

Step 3: Access the Task Requiring E-Signature

  1. Identify E-Signature Task: Once Task status has been changed to "Accepted", the “Sign Online” button becomes available for tasks that show "Requires eSignature.”
  2. Proceed to “Sign Online”: Click on the “Sign Online” button and you will be redirected to take further actions on the document. 

Step 4: Preview Document

  1. Access Document: Wait for the document to load properly, then preview on screen. 
  2. Review Content: Carefully review the document to ensure all details are accurate before signing.

Step 5: Sign the Document Electronically

  1. Sign the Document: A new window will open where will be required to drag and position the icons from the Left side of the screen to where you want to append the signature or stamp:
    • Draw your signature using your mouse or touchscreen.
    • Type your name and select a signature style.
    • Upload an image of your signature if needed.
  2. Optional: Add a sworn statement or a digital stamp to the document if required.

Notarize Translations Electronically (if applicable)

  1. Notarize Document: If the task requires notarization, a notary can electronically notarize the translation directly within the platform, following similar steps.
  2. No Download Required: The entire notarization process occurs within the platform without the need to download the document.

Step 6: Submit the Signed Document

  1. Review the Signed Document: Confirm that all signatures, statements, and stamps are correctly placed. Click on Finish once done and you’ll be asked to Accept and Sign.

Step 7: Document Retrieval and Task Submission

  1. Retrieve Signed Document: Once you close out the notification pop-up, you will be redirected back to the Translayte website. The system will automatically retrieve the signed document, and save it as a Translated File. The document retrieval process will be an average of 30 secs. 
  2. Automatic Document Submission: The Task is automatically submitted once all documents have been signed.

Task is completed once approved by the PMs and there are no other pending Change requests. 

Troubleshooting Tips for Vendors

  • E-Signature Button Not Visible: Ensure the task is correctly flagged as requiring an e-signature by the PM and has been accepted. If issues persist, try refreshing the page or contact support.
  • Document Not Submitting: Ensure all required fields (signature, statement, stamp) are completed and check your internet connection.
  • Document Not Retrievable: If the signed document doesn’t appear in Draft Files, allow up to 30 seconds for processing. Refresh system and if it still doesn’t appear, contact Vendor support.

Additional Information

  • Signature Status Overview:
    • E-SIGNATURE REQUIRED: The task requires an e-signature, but the document is not yet signed.
    • SIGNATURE PENDING: The document has been signed but has not yet been retrieved.
    • SIGNED WITH E-SIGNATURE: The document has been signed and retrieved, ready for submission.