How to update your Translayte profile

We strongly recommend that you keep your profile up to date with us at Translayte, this way, we have the following information handy:

  1. Your contact information
  2. Your PO & Quotation preferences, such as your preferred currency & default task.
  3. Your Language Pairs, rate (per language pair), Sworn / Certified Status & any additional information you'd like to share.

To update your profile:

  1. Go to the Translayte Login page.
  2. Log in with your registered email address & password.
  3. If you have worked with us before, but have never logged in or do not remember your password, then use the Forgotten Password link to reset your password.
  4. Once logged on, go to Your Settings Page, or click on your name in the navigational bar, and Your Settings.
  5. Update your profile and click Update
  6. To inform us of the Language Pairs you can translate, your rates, and certification status, click on Services and Add new service.
  7. Fill out the options as shown below and click Save
You can fill out a new service for each one of your language pairs, enter your rate per language pair, and also include additional notes for our Vendor Management & Project Management teams.